The Citizen Power by JoinUs4Health project has developed 5 scenarios for high school students on citizen science topics. The project aims to show young people how they can get involved in science even before they go to college, and how they can use the achievements of scientific research to improve the quality of their daily lives. They will learn this in classes that any teacher can lead after reviewing the project materials. Topics, which we propose to schools to implement are: crowdsourcing in science (about how citizens can e.g. collect scientific data and help scientists), fact checking (how to check information found on the Internet with reliable scientific sources), urban health (about how contemporary research on health and urban planning can affect the future development of our cities), RRI (about the importance of responsible research and innovation), cohort studies (about long-term population studies and how important it is for citizens to participate in them).
The scenarios were developed by Justyna Płatek in cooperation with researchers from the Univeristy of Bialystok (dr. Lukasz Kiszkiel) and the Medical University of Bialystok (dr. Paweł Sowa). Justyna Płatek is a methodologist, educational expert who specializes in developing educational materials and has created scenarios and educational aids for brands such as Microsoft, Intel, School in the Cloud, MindCloud.
The lesson concepts prepared are an important part of high school education. They prepare young people for the challenges they will encounter on the academic path and invite them to enter into cooperation with scientists even before they start their studies. Topics covered in the lessons also include making them aware of current European Union policies in terms of the new perspective on research design. The workshop thus gives young people an insight into the directions of science in the coming decades.
The pilot workshop lessons were attended by students from the Academic High School of Bialystok University of Technology and the 8th High School in Bialystok. Thanks to their involvement and cooperation, we tested the scenarios in action and improved them.
Workshop participants have the opportunity to continue working on Citizen Power #JU4H topics by creating podcasts on them and gaining additional journalistic skills. The supervisor of the resulting Youth Podcast Editorial Board is Marta Rogalewska, an educator and program director of the Gifted Foundation.
RRI (zip)