Cohort studies
Cohort studies are population-based studies that investigate health and disease of a regionally and temporally defined population. That defined population is the studied cohort.
Cohort study participants go through a set of pre-defined clinical examinations. Cohorts are not only examined once, but on multiple occasions to allow investigating the development of health and disease over time. So, based on the collected data, scientists may analyse not only relationships of diseases and health factors but also connections and developments over time.
As only randomly selected individuals can participate in the examinations of these cohort studies, conclusions drawn based on the collected data can be applied to the population. Therefore, if invited, participation in the medical examination of the cohort studies is of enormous value for the population-based research and thus also for society.
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The cohort projects
Three of the eleven partners are implementing cohort projects. Over 27,000 participants have been examined to date. These studies aim to investigate health in its complexity, so that extensive health data have been collected.
In summary, the three cohort projects have generated data:
- on over 27,000 participants
- in three countries
- over a time period of up to 31 years