The JoinUs4Health consortium is comprised of eleven partners from three European Member States Germany, the Netherlands and Poland.
The partners contribute a range of expertise and input. Details are described for each partner.
Project partners

Birgit Schauer
University Medicine Greifswald
Coordinator and Head of Work Packages "Ethics requirements", "Technical implementation" and "Management, monitoring and evaluation"

Hub Zwart
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Head of Work Package
"Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) – methodological issues"

Silvan Licher
Erasmus MC University Medical Center Rotterdam
Head of Work Package "Formal and informal science education"

Lukasz Kiszkiel
University of Bialystok
Head of Work Package "Engagement, dissemination and communication"

Nicole Rosenkötter
Akademie für Öffentliches Gesundheitswesen in Düsseldorf
Project Partner

Robert Kondracki
Project Partner
Further partners
Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES)
Contributes to Work package “Communication, Dissemination and Engagement”
The Netherlands Institute for Health Sciences (NIHES) organizes Master and PhD education at Erasmus MC by offering Master of Science programmes in Health Sciences and Clinical Research. The mission of NIHES is to closely guide new generations to become leading scientists with critical thinking skills and a curiosity driven mind-set that are fascinated by scientific questions with the goal of achieving a healthy population and excellent healthcare. NIHES believes that to solve vital health issues, knowledge and application of quantitave research methodology are key.
Lung Foundation Netherlands
Contributes to Work package “Education” in The Netherlands (patients)
The Lung Foundation Netherlands is a patient-driven organization that is funded through donations. The Lung Foundation Netherlands has been supporting research related to pulmonary disease for 60 years with the mission to translate research into benefit for patients. As a patient platform, they strive for patient participation in research. Their aim is also to communicate research to patients and a broader society.
Other contributors to the project
University Medicine Greifswald, Institute for Community Medicine, Unit SHIP-KEF (Study of Health in Pomerania, Work Packages “Ethics requirements”, “Technical implementation” and “Management, monitoring and evaluation”):

Tabea Troschke
Work Package "Management, monitoring and evaluation"

Hannes Dieckmann
Work Package "Technical implementation"
The Netherlands

Ana Barbosa Mendes
Erasmus University Rotterdam (Work Package "RRI - methodological issues")

Natalie Terzikhan
Erasmus Medical Centre, Department of Epidemiology (Rotterdam Study, Work Package "Education")
Medical University of Bialystok (Bialystok PLUS; Work Package “Institutional changes”):
- Maria Szlachta
Science4People (Work Package “Technical implementation”):
- Robert Kondracki
- Jolanta Koszelew
- Michal Powichrowski
WhiteBits representatives (Work Package “Communication, dissemination and engagement”):
- Kasia Biala
- Pawel Stempniak
RRI panel members
- Enric Bas (Spain)
- Zoya Damianova (Bulgaria)
- Ellen-Maria Forsberg (Norway)
- Christiane Grill (Austria)
- Laurens Landerweerd (The Netherlands)
- Andrea Riccio (Italy)
- Simon Ruegg (Switzerland)