I am professor of philosophy and dean of Erasmus School of Philosophy. After studying philosophy and psychology at Radboud University Nijmegen, I defended my thesis in 1993. In 2000 I became full Professor of Philosophy at the Faculty of Science RU Nijmegen. In 2018 I was appointed as Dean of Erasmus School of Philosophy (Erasmus University Rotterdam). Furthermore, I am editor-in-chief of the Library for Ethics and Applied Philosophy (Springer) and of the journal Life Sciences, Society and Policy (Springer). My research focusses on developing a philosophical (dialectical) assessment of contemporary technoscience.
In JoinUs4Health, I will focus on crowdsourcing as a concrete methodology for fostering responsible and participatory research. I am interested in crowdsourcing as a way to incorporate public intelligence in the process of knowledge production. In order to adequately address societal challenges, research must become more open and sensitive to the expectation, experiences and concerns of citizens and societies. I see joinus4health as an intriguing case study whose result can contribute to far-reaching transitions in research methodology on a global scale.
I am primarily interested in the process dimension of RRI: the concept of participation, using society as a living laboratory, allowing research to become responsive, inclusive and imaginative.
Prof Dr Hub Zwart
Erasmus School of Philosophy
Burgermeester Oudlaan 50
Rotterdam 3062 PA, Netherlands
E-Mail: zwart@esphil.eur.nl
Website: https://www.eur.nl/en/esphil