Pilot test outside the platform
In all three countries, you can …
1 … become a member of the citizen science board or monitoring and evaluation group (from April 2021)
You find further information to the citizen science board and monitoring and evaluation group here. As member of either of these two decision-making bodies you ideally take on a longer-term role. Therefore, we would like to ask interested individuals to send us a brief motivation letter. Thanks a lot in advance!
2 … provide ideas and feedback during the development of the project website (website group; end of March until August 2021)
For the JoinUs4Health project a website is being developed. You can contribute ideas during development (e.g. contents, design) or feedback to the proposed implementation. Furthermore, Some of you may also be able to support with translation of contents from English to German.
3 … provide ideas and feedback during the development of the project platform (platform group; from April 2021)
One component of JoinUs4Health is an online-platform (Details: siehe WEBLINK SHIP), to give all members of society the option to engage in an exchange via different ways on health-related topics. Here you can also contribute as part of development or testing and discuss aspects such as usability and design.
4 … contribute to the publication process of the JoinUs4Health project (writing group; from May 2021)
After generating scientific results from collected data these are summarized and published in form of a scientific paper. During this process the draft goes through several rounds of revision, to which you can contribute. A publication in your local language will be prepared in national journals. If you have English skills you can also contribute to international publications of the JoinUs4Health project. If you wish, you can be named in the acknowledgement of the paper or even be listed as co-author depending on the extent of your input.
5 … test the working group aspect based on suggestions collated during the survey SHIP citizen science (working group tester; from May 2021)
As described under option 3, a platform is being developed, via which interested individuals can interact in a unique way with divers population groups to health related topics. After we collated suggestions via the survey SHIP-citizen science, you can as part of this testing group vote on favourites and generate first contributions via working groups. Aim of this testing is to a) elaborate guidelines and rules for communication and exchange and b) determine how to measure and value contributions. Do you want to generate elementary contents of the communication process as part of this task
Specifically in the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP), you can ….
- …engage in the development of communication documents for volunteers and users of the activity “Hand-in-Hand” (hand-in-hand-group; May to August 2021)
The participation of randomly selected citizens is of high importance for the quality of SHIP-resuts. The planned activity Hand-in-Hand is based on the idea that newly invited citizens can get in touch with experienced SHIP-participants. This allows experienced study participants to pass on their experiences and reply to questions reagarding the SHIP-project and the Ablauf of examinations. The aim is to reduce insecurities of the newly invited participants. For the implementation of this offer information materials and guidelines will be developed. You can take part in getting this activity on the way.
Specifically in the Rotterdam Study, you can ….
- … engage in defining education needs and designing or pilot testing training materials
2. … contribute to define philosophical and ethical aspects around the project
Specifically in Bialystok PLUS, you can ….
- … engage in the development of a dissemination and engagement strategy
Citizen science survey in SHIP
Add result summary from SHIP SURVEY
Needs assessment: Science and public health in Germany
Add details here
Questionnaire survey
Find out what scientists and public health officials replied via an online survey
Participatory workshops
Read about key outcomes of the two participatory workshops here.
Working groups
Here you can read about the outcomes of the two working groups formed in 02/2020.