Platform Topic: Proposals from animal owners in SHIP-One Health

Since mid-2021, the “Life and Health in Western Pomerania” (SHIP) project has expanded its horizons by including not only human participants but also their beloved animal companions (dogs, cats, poultry) in its third study group, named “NEXT.” This approach recognizes the important link between the health of humans and their animal counterparts. SHIP asked the […]

Platform Topic: Climate Change & Health

Climate change is an urgent global issue, and its effects are far-reaching, impacting not only the environment but also public health. Recognizing the critical need for discussion and action, representatives of the public health service (district level) have come together for a four-part virtual event series. This series aims to address pressing questions and issues […]

Gesundheitstag der gesunden Universität

Unsere Kooperationspartner, die Gesunde Universität und der Hochschulsport der Universität Greifswald freuen sich, nach der Corona bedingten Pause einen Gesundheitstag ausrichten zu können und lädt Sie ein. Unter dem Motto: “gemeinschaftlich, nachhaltig, gesund” wollen wir gemeinsam mit Ihnen ins Gespräch kommen und aktiv werden. Auch JoinUs4Health wird mit einem Stand vertreten sein, um über das Projekt zu […]

Workshops for children 

Together with the forest school Puszczyk, we organized a workshop for children: “Time for the Forest”. Young participants, under the guidance of the educators, learned about  plants, found an abandoned thrush’s nest, and lit a fire using a flint. The free forest workshops were held as part of the 19th Podlasie Festival of Science and […]

Young Minds – debate at Medical University of Bialystok

During the debate “Young Minds – Youth Mental Health as a Challenge of our Time” as part of the Podlasie Festival of Science and Arts, we discussed the contemporary mental condition of children, adolescents, their parents and caregivers, and systemic support for people in mental health crisis in Poland. The debate was attended by Agnieszka […]

Forest bathing workshop with JoinUs4Health

As part of the 19th Podlaskie Festival of Science and Arts, we organized a  forest bathing workshop in the Zwierzyniec Forest. Forest bathing  was one of the first topics on the JoinUs4Health platform – and it is one that we are particularly passionate about. What is forest bathing? It is a conscious, multi-sensory communing with nature, beneficial […]

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