As a project partner of the T!Raum Initiative One Health-Region Vorpommern, the Opernale Institute for Music & Theatre in Vorpommern is organizing the first interactive theater evening on human health.
When do we feel healthy? Who or what contributes to health? What needs to change to make health a central priority for everyone? The regional artists Katja Klemt, Claudia Roick and Benjamin Saupe collectively developed the play “Hauptsache Gesund‽ Part 1: Mensch” under the direction of Henriette Sehmsdorf. Social issues such as mental, physical and social health are presented through artistic formats such as a hot rap battle or a medley of songs about health.
The play entitled “Hauptsache Gesund‽ Teil 1: Mensch” will premiere on April 5, 2024 in the auditorium of the Alte Frauenklinik in Greifswald. Admission is free – the performance can only be attended by appointment.
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